Friday, October 29, 2010

Let's Turn November BLUE!

As October comes to an end, my thoughts are already looking forward to November.  

November is Diabetes Awareness Month.  November also marks 19 months since Lovebug's diagnosis of Type 1 Diabetes.  

We want YOU!! Our friends and family to join me and the Diabetes community in bringing awareness to this disease.  The disease that effects more the 15,000 children each year. That means 40 children are diagnosed EVERY DAY.

Despite that statistic you can still help. We can make a difference by raising money for research, educating, and bringing awareness to Type 1 Diabetes.  By doing this we can help make a better life for those kids (and adults) living with Type 1 Diabetes.  

In celebration of World Diabetes Day my hubby and I will be wearing our own World Diabetes Day t-shirt on November 14th.  

We want YOU to help us celebrate!!!  You can show your support by purchasing your own World Diabetes Day t-shirt for just $10!  For every t-shirt sold 40% of the monies will go to JDRF to help with education and research for a cure.  Then on November 14th, wear your t-shirt in support of Lovebug and all the other kids (and adults) that suffer from Type 1 Diabetes.  

I need your order SOON though!!  We only have until November 5th to get our order in!  Please email me at with  the number of t-shirts you want and your sizes. I will be picking the t-shirts up on November 10th and delivering them on the 11th and 12th. 

Then, after you purchase your shirt we want pictures of you wearing them around town!  We want to see what you did to celebrate World Diabetes Day.  Then sometime in November, I will post all of them. I can't wait to see how all of you celebrate!  

To learn more about World Diabetes Day please go to


Monday, October 25, 2010

Walk Day!

Wow, I was just realizing today I started this post a while ago and never finished it!
It took me a while to figure out our grand total because we had so much money come in at last minute, I lost track!! 

But I have it now..

Are you ready for it???  

Our GRAND TOTAL from the walk is.....

$2,264 dollars!!!  That is almost 3x's the amount we raised last year!!!  

And we exceed our team goal!!!

I am truly blessed to have SO many people out there raising money and awareness for Type 1 Diabetes. This past year has been a wonderful experience.  Tim and I have truly felt your love and support. It is wonderful to see how many people will come out and show support for our Lovebug!  Even when it looked like it was going to rain the whole walk, you were all texting and calling me, letting me know you would be there rain or shine. 

Lovebug is why we do this. Why we raise the money and bug people to walk with us.  Why I have stepped out of my comfort zone to talk to whoever will listen about Type 1.  

It's a fight that I will win and will not back down from because  Lovebug and all the other children out there are worth it. They need a CURE.  

We are already starting to get some fundraisers started for next year.  We can't stop raising money. We can't stop raising awareness and educating people about the seriousness of this "invisible disease".  

Because Diabetes never stops, neither can we.  

Thank You for helping make our walk a success this year.

Enjoy some snapshots from the day! 

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Dr Faustman

I recently learned more about Dr. Faustman when I was doing some research on stem cell research.  I believe what Dr. Faustman is doing is very promising.  She has been able to cure Type 1 Diabetes in mice by killing off the white blood cells that kill islets in the pancreas.  Her research does not use embryonic stem cells for research.  It is sad that the drug companies stand in her way, since they stand to loose a lot if  Dr. Faustman can do this in humans.  There are FDA approved clinical trials going on right now, but she needs funding. Wouldn't it be amazing if a cure ends up being this simple.

Please take a few minutes to watch this video and check out Dr. Faustman's website

Friday, September 24, 2010

The Story of Rocco Kuehl

This is why we Walk for a Cure and educate people on the seriousness of Type 1 Diabetes. 

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Two Days!!

We have just 2 days Until our Walk Day!!!  

I am very excited and so humbled.  

So many of you have touched our lives in a special way this year and there are no words that can express our gratitude.

I can't hardly believe we are only $155 dollars away from our team goal!!!!  

After I was just telling Tim last week that I didn't think we would reach our goal this year....and yet here we are!

We have been incredibly blessed!  

Thank You!  Thank You!  Thank You!!

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Only a Few Days!!!

We're only a few days from Walk Day!

As of Today we have raised $1550 as a team!!!

WAY TO GO!!!  


We are not very far from our Team goal of $2000. 
Keep getting those donations right up until Walk Day!

T-Shirts are done and I will be picking them up today or tomorrow.  

Be looking for an email from me with all the Walk Day Details!  

Can't wait to see you all on Saturday!  

Saturday, September 11, 2010

One Week to Go!

We are now in the last 7 days of fundraising for the 2010 Walk to Cure Diabetes!

I am happy to say that we are half way to our team goal at $1005!  

We WILL reach our goal!
You are doing AWESOME and I know we will reach our goal by the end of next week!  

 Thank you so much for all the work you are doing to raise money and bring awareness to Type 1 diabetes!